Saturday, 25 June 2011

Free Traps

Twenty seven sweat marks did he not leave
Love never ages, love never wages
50 pennies did he not steal but the sky will forgive as long as its free
But never will life become night and never will love become thrust
Thou hearts are not hollow but filled with embrace of a soul thats not dead not lined with lace.


Messages with no answer
Return to daylight savings
Forgive, forget, remembered
Left alone with everyone
Just hits that start fights
thrown into worlds

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Seek And Hide

Hells never angels
Foreign times
Tightened love breaks loose
Books of knives
Life to yellow bricks
Typed hate
Knighted tigers
Forgotten smiles
Dingy dirt of disciples drops
Not yet proud
Uneasy bones

Saturday, 11 June 2011

No Eyes

A breath with no air
Yet a smile with no grin
Twisting not turning in sacraments from the sky
Come as you go
Telling the truth to societies weaknesses
never spin

A day in the life of God
In which you never wake
In which you'd never dream of
A day in the life of Jesus
In which you'd believe
In which you'd disappear
A day in life of Zeus
In which you don't deceive
In which you're not blind
Don't think, don't drink, don't be on the brink...